Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Island Preparations

(Derek and Katherine)

Hello Readers! 

Likoma Island is Lake Malawi's largest island.

Today, we have prepared to leave Mzuzu and go to Likoma Island on Lake Malawi for the next 6 weeks. Luckily, our coordinator left us the entire day to collect ourselves because we have to take all the food, water, and supplies we will need for the entire time! Having so many supplies to pack is definitely overwhelming, but we are grateful for our generous PGLOBAL grants from Alma College that allow us to have the funding to do so. 

Tomorrow, we will drive about an hour to the lake shore and will ride The Chambo boat to the island, about a 3 hour trip. We will be received by the dean of St. Peter's Anglican Cathedral there, who will settle us in to the Bishop’s island guest house.

Likoma Island Map
Derek and I will work on the island in both the diocesan secondary school and the hospital while we are there. Thankfully, both are near the Cathedral and our house, so we will be able to walk to work Monday through Friday. We have weekends free to explore the island and spend time with our Malawian friends.

Two important notes about Likoma Island: wifi is scarce and electricity is only available from 6am to 9-10pm. But, we will keep the blogs coming as best as possible! 

Talk to you soon,

Derek and Katherine 

1 comment:

  1. Peace be with you both. Thank you for your narrative and including U.S. In your adventure.
